Centre for Economic Policy Research
Works in a variety of issues from globalization to EU´s
Enlargement and international economy
A variety of activities and reports on EU issues. Based in Brussels
European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR)
Created by a Council Joint Action on 20 July 2001. EU´s under
second ‘pillar’ – the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Is the
former WEU Institute
European Policy Studies
Their mission is to produce sound policy research leading to
constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe
Security Information Service ISIS Europe
Factual information and analysis on international security and defence.
Its primary purpose is to improve national and European parliamentary
scrutiny of foreign and security policy
Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité
L’Europe, la sécurité internationale et le
développement durable
Institutes Network EPIN
EPIN is a new network of European think tanks and policy institutes. It
has 39 member institutes across 29 countries – EU member states and candidate countries
Council for Foreign Relations
German foreign policy and international relations. Publishes
The SPD Foundation. A political public-interest institution committed
to the principles and basic values of social democracy
Center for Applied Policy Research
Maxwell School of Syracuse University. CPR research covers a variety of
areas like… aging, social welfare, and income security policy;
domestic urban and regional issues; and public finance, particularly
education finance
Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Based in Germany, the Center is a bi-lateral institution of security and defense learning for foreign and security policy officials
Center for Conversion BICC
An independent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the
transfer of former military resources and assets to alternative
civilian purposes
Canadian Universities: Security and Defence Forum
Canadian link collection
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
Providing Canadians with a forum for discussion and analysis of international affairs
Un forum national au Canada pour analyser et débattre des affaires internationales
Strategic Studies
The CISS is the vehicle to stimulate the research, study, analysis and discussion of the strategic implications of major national and international issues, events and trends as they affect Canada
for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary
The CMSS: University of Calgary. Research and to dissemination of
information on Canadian security and defence issues
québécois des hautes études internationales
Organisé autour de trois axes : les relations internationales,
le développement international et les affaires internationales
B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre
A division of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, established
in 1994 by the Government of Canada. Its mission is to support and
enhance the Canadian contribution to international peace, security and
Center, Egypt
An independent institution for applied social science research
Estratégicos (GEES)
La página Web de un instituto pionero en España
Estudios y Análisis de Seguridad
Seminario Permanente de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y
Sociología. Universidad de Granada
Universitario de Estudios Europeos (CT) (ES) (EN)
IUEE es un consorcio integrado por la Generalitat de Catalunya y la
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria
IECAH es una iniciativa
de acreditados expertos españoles,l
estudio de los conflictos, las tendencias globales, la ayuda
humanitaria y la cooperación para el desarrollo
Promovido por los ministerios de AAEE, Defensa, Economía y
apoyado por entidades privadas. Aspira a ser el equivalente de los
grandes institutos nacionales existentes en otros países
Centro de investigación, docencia, documentación y
divulgación sobre las relaciones internacionales y el desarrollo
Investigación para la Paz
Se ocupa de analizar tendencias internacionales con especial
atención a los conflictos armados, sus actores; la
globalización y sus efectos; y el desarrollo
Español de Relaciones Internacionales y Política Exterior
Un acreditado instituto, hoy vinculado a la Fundación Ortega
Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior
Se dedica al estudio de la política exterior española y
de las cuestiones globales, especialmente en Europa y Eurasia central
Española de Ayuda al Refugiado
Especializada en la defensa del derecho de asilo, refugio
Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación (IUDC-UCM)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es una iinstitución
pública de enseñanza superior que realiza actividades de
asesoría y capacitación en Cooperación y
de Derecho Internacional Público
Página Web de la Sección Departamental de Derecho
Internacional público y Relaciones Internacionales de la
Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Estados Unidos
Endowment for International Peace
Center for Transatlantic Relations
The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns
Hopkins University
SAIS: Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. John Hopkins
Institute for International Affairs
El NDI tiene como objetico fortalecer la democracia en el mundo
The NDI aims at strengthening democracy worldwide
Policy Studies The US’s oldest multi-issue progressive think tank
GMF : The German
Marshall Fund of the United States
Dedicated to increasing America’s understanding of the world and
contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. The council publishes Foreign Affairs,
the prestigious journal on global issues
Brookings Institution
Public policy from Iraq, bringing new knowledge to the attention of
decisionmakers and affording scholars a better insight into public
policy issues to governance or economie studies. A Washington insider
Devoted to international understanding and the peaceful resolution of
conflict. Funded in 1924. Kissinger is one of the counsellors
Policy Institute
PPI’s goal is to define and promote a new progressive politics for
America in the 21st century
Policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. The first
organization to be called a «think tank»
The U.S. Army War College’s SSI is the strategic level study agent for
the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
Created and funded by Congress to strengthen the nation’s
to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflict
New School University. Policy research and advocacy on critical world
problems. Editor of the World
Policy Journal
Institute for Security Studies
T.I.S.S. is an interdisciplinary consortium sponsored by three North
Carolina research universities on issues of national and international
African Studies Center (U.Penn)
An interdisciplinary program centrered in the historic and cultural
diversity of sub-Saharan African peoples. A good links collection
Institute (ES)
An organization dedicated to informing policymakers and the public
about emerging global problems and the complex links between the world
economy and its environmental support systems
Center for the People & the Press Encuestas diversos temas
the Global Partnership Project A CSIS-coordinated consortium of 20
influential policy research organizations in Asia, Europe, and North
Français des Relations Internationales (EN)
L´IFRI est en France le principal centre indépendant de
recherche, d’information et de débat sur les grandes questions
Pour la Recherche Estratègique(EN)
Their main lines of research cover the major contemporary strategic
de Prospective Stratégique CEPS
Son but est analyser et mettre en perspective les facteurs
d’évolution technologiques, économiques et financiers
afin d’aider aussi bien les entrepriss, les institutions que les Etats
à se positionner dans un environnement global
études démographiques
L’INED est chargé d’étudier les problèmes
démographiques sous tous leurs aspects
for Strategic Studies (JCSS)
Scopo prioritario dell’Istituto e promuovere la conoscenza della
politica internazionale
The Institute’s main objective is to promote an understanding of
theproblems ofinternational politics
Academy of Diplomatic Studies
Their goal is to assist all countries, especially those with limited
human and financial resources, to participate equally and meaningfully
in international affairs
Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
Paises Bajos
Institute of International Relations
The site of the prestigious Clignendael
European Security Studies
Groningen University. Special atention to Central and Estern Europe
Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)
Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais- Portugal (EN)
Reino Unido
A Labour Party Initiative on Europe’s World Affairs
Their motto is «Europe yes, Euro no»
Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
The prestigious Chathan House
European Institute
Research center at the University os Sussex
Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
The IISS is a primary source of information on international strategic
Reform (CER)
A think-tank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the
future of the European Union
Intelligence source of information
on Conflict Resolution and Etnicity (INCORE)
Set up by the University of Ulster and the United Nations University to
undertake research and policy work on the resolution of ethnic,
political and religious conflicts
Institute for Defence Studies (RUSI)
Analysis and debate of international and national defence and security
A critical gateway to world politics, society and culture
International Peace Research Institute SIPRI
For years, an indispensable siuree on international security
University Department of Peace and Conflict Research
Research activities into the origins and dynamics of conflict; and
conflict resolution and international security issues. The Department
runs a Conflict Data Project
Security Policy Network
The SSN is a Internet-based network with extensive information on Swiss
foreign and security policy
Security Policy
An international foundation, created under the framework of Swiss
participation in the Partnership for Peace
Institute for Development Economics Research
WIDER is a UN institute aimed at promoting economic and social
development in poorest nations
Educational Research and Innovation
The CERI carries out studies and promotes an international dialogue
about education across OECD countries
for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Diversified and complete data on problems relating to international
security, the armaments race and disarmament, particularly in the
nuclear field