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International Secury Network   

El portal imprescindible


of Peace and Conflict Research

Departamento de Paz e Investigación de Conflictos, Universidad

de Upsala

International Security Policy & Military Affairs:

Information Sources (Columbia University Libraries)

This is a selective guide to library materials and Internet resources

on international security policy and military affairs


Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) Durham University

Peacekeeping and Related Operations

University of New Brunswick St. John Library’s link collection


PSI – Paix et Sécurité Internationales

Plus de 800 sites classés et annotés, relatifs à

la paix et la sécurité internationales, au droit

international, aux organisations internationales, au droit

international humanitaire et aux droits de l’homme

Summit NATO – Prague 2002

Commisioned by the Czech government to inform about the preparations,

course and importance of the summit, the places where it will be held,

accommodation opportunities, ways of accreditation, transport and

security measures, as well as about various events designed to make

your stay in Prague and the Czech Republic pleasant

ISN: NATO Enlargement

Links Library by the International Relations and Security Network

Brookings Institution: Homeland Security

They favor retaining a strong Office of Homeland Security within the

White House responsible for coordinating and leading the US homeland

security effort

Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies

and Security Studies Institutes

An international organization dedicated to strengthening defense and

military education and research through enhanced institutional and

national cooperation

Centro de

Estudios y Análisis de Seguridad

Seminario Permanente de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y

Sociología de la Universidad de Granada. La finalidad del Centro

consiste en el análisis, investigación y docencia sobre

cuestiones relacionadas con la seguridad, desde un enfoque




The first e-zine Internet site of its kind to provide general

information on European defence and security issues. The aim of this

site is to provide a useful resource and first port of call for

academics; students; researchers; the media; those working within NATO,

EU, WEU, OSCE and PfP; citizens of the organisations member states; and

those interested in these issues

NATO Notes

A new publication of the Centre for European Security and Disarmament.

NATO Notes regularly reports on and highlights timely NATO-related

issues, gathering information from interviews and briefings in

Brussels. CESD also provides information to interrelated activities in

other fora where possible

Strategic forecast

STRATFOR is a private providers of global intelligence. Its in-house

experts furnish top business leaders and government officials with

real-time intelligence, analysis, and forecasting on geopolitical,

security, and economic affairs including confidential consulting on

existing or potential competitive and security threats that global

companies and/or nation-states may face in specific markets or regions


Security Information Service Europe

The ISIS provides factual information and analysis on issues of

international security and defence to parliamentarians and other

interested parties. Its primary purpose is to improve national and

European parliamentary scrutiny of foreign and security policy



A global network of bureaus, reporters, and correspondents in defense

reporting. In-depth weekly news analysis and coverage of events,

policies, and power players that make the news


The official web site for the Department of Defense and the starting

point for finding U.S. military information online


Community Initiative

The Atlantic Community Initiative seeks to stimulate education,

awareness, dialogue and constructive action with the goal of

strengthening the commitment to common values, interests and

cooperative endeavors in the Euro-Atlantic Community of democratic



Institute for Strategic Studies

Created by a Council Joint Action on 20 July 2001, it has the status of

an autonomous agency that comes under the EU’s second ‘pillar’ – the

Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)


History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact

In response to the progressing declassification of NATO documents and

the growing availability of documents from the archives of the former

Soviet bloc, the PHP seeks to collect, analyze, and interpret these

premier sources for the study of contemporary international history


A selection of international news collected by NATO


Cambaign to Ban Landmines

The ICBL calls for an international ban on the use, production,

stockpiling, and sale, transfer, or export of antipersonnel landmines


Internacional Para la Prohibición de las Minas Terrestres

La Campaña Internacional para la Prohibición de las Minas

Terrestres hace un llamado a una prohibición internacional del

uso, la producción, el almacenamiento, el comercio, la

trasferencia o exportación de minas antipersonal

Página de Rafael Estrella sobre Minas


Declaraciones y proposiciones de Rafael Estrella en contra de las minas

antipersona junto a una selección de enlaces